Sorry to scare you. Although, we’ve been more scared seeing the countless people who have “demoed” their homemade wood conveyors to us over the years. Wether converting an old hay elevator or piecing together old items in the barn, it needs to stop!

We’ve seen many Wood Conveyors along the year, but non of them seem to match the heavy-duty reliability that American brings:

Our Double T-Link , 27″ Wide, 100% Steel Conveyors are designed to be a 4-Season Conveyor.  Below Freezing Temperatures will not reduce your production. These American CLS Built Firewood Conveyors work in all weather conditions and “live outside for decades”. This will be the last Firewood Conveyor you will ever purchase. And our Firewood Conveyors can be “Plumbed to all Brands of Firewood Processors”.


Sorry hay elevator, American CLS has built your replacement. Check out this video from one of our loyal American customers.

-Larry the Log Splitter Guy